Generally, workplace injuries and illnesses arise from unsafe work practices, hazardous industrial conditions, or exposures to harmful chemicals that were improperly stored. To prevent injuries, you must have sufficient information about what contributes to their occurrence and ways to fix the problem. Even though accidents are not always predictable and preventable, being aware of workplace safety will allow you to minimize the injuries and illnesses that occur in your workplace.
ACI Mechanical Inc, as part of Comfort Systems USA, has an exceptional pre-task/pre-job technique, “Think 5 x 5,” taught to all employees to ensure that they think and work safely at the point of the work. Our “Think 5 x 5” safety initiative increases employee awareness and enhances the company culture to “Take 5 seconds and 5 steps back” to think about their surroundings and work area to ensure a safe work environment.
We benchmark and track safety in many areas, including workplace safety, automobile accidents, and general liability, to ensure that we’re proactively addressing any arising concerns. Managers at all levels of our organization profoundly affect the safety culture and continually motivate positive change to avoid complacency. Staying committed and involved keeps our workplace and worksites actively working to achieve a harm-free environment.