ABC’s Top Performers lists acknowledge the accomplishments of member contractors across various criteria such as safety, quality, diversity, and project excellence. These lists are ranked by work hours and include special designations.
Included in these listings are contractors who have obtained ABC’s Accredited Quality Contractor credential, demonstrating their dedication to corporate responsibility in quality, safety, talent management (including inclusion, diversity, and merit), education, and community relations. Additionally, recognition is given to those who have received national Excellence in Construction, Safety Excellence, and Inclusion, Diversity, and Merit Excellence awards, as well as those holding designations supporting diverse companies in securing government and private contracts.
Through participation in programs like STEP, AQC, and others offered by ABC, Top Performers showcase their commitment to:
"Associated Builders and Contractors ABC is a national construction industry trade association representing mores than 23.000 members."
To qualify, Top Performers exhibited outstanding safety performance by attaining Gold status or higher in ABC’s STEP Safety Management System. This achievement places these top-performing contractors nearly seven times safer than the industry average, as indicated by ABC’s Safety Performance Report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Rankings of Top Performers were determined by their size, measured by the number of hours worked in 2022, as detailed in their 2023 self-assessments.
STEP serves as the cornerstone for all ABC members dedicated to safety excellence. It entails a self-assessment of company’s dedication to health and safety, offering six qualification levels. Attaining Gold level or above renders the company is eligible to pursue the Accredited Quality Contractor credential.
When a company achieves STEP Gold or higher, they become eligible to apply for the AQC credential. AQC stands as one of the most notable recognitions in the construction industry, signifying that the company excels in quality, safety, talent management, diversity, education, and community relations.
ABC’s Top Performers consist of contractor members who achieved ABC STEP Gold status or higher (based on 2022 safety data) and earned ABC’s AQC credential in 2023. ABC member companies are ranked from No. 1 to 250—increased from 200 in 2023—based on work hours reported in their 2023 STEP applications.